Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Toronto Mayoral Debate

  Unfortunetly I have not paid much attention to the upcomming election and will not be voting nor do I believe any of my friends will be. I do have an idea that the new mayor should address when their new term bgins. Littering is a big problem, even though u can find a garbage can everybody seems to be to lazy to take a fiew extra steps to properly dispose of their garbage. More than anything you will find cigerette butts everywhere. I think that the next mayor should try and find a solution for this. I know that if you go to some nice places perhaps Don Mills Center or Yorkville you will find a dispencer where you can throw your cigerette once you are finished. I think thatw e should make this a more common thing around the city. There are many other ways like have you ever noticed when you go down south on vacation you can smoke anywhere inside or out, but do you ever see a cigerette butt on the floor? All resorts have a pit of sand ontop of their garbage cans so that people can butt out their cigerettes. I think this technique is succesfull and maybe we could use something that simple to help keep our city clean.

Coke vs. Pepsi

  This is probably one of the oldest debates of all time. Though there isnt much a difference between the two some poeple prefer Coke and some prefer Pepsi.  When I was younger I found that I would have much rather have a Coke, but as I grew up and the years passed by I have found that I now prefer Pepsi. I never quite understood why or how the change even happened, I just know that it did.
  A lot of people considered soda to be a type of junkfood. I never considered something that I drink to be junk food. To me it is simply something that quenches my thirst.